--- # Source: hlf-config/templates/artifacts/configtx.yaml Organizations: - &OrdererOrg Name: OrdererOrg ID: OrdererMSP MSPDir: crypto-config/ordererOrganizations/example.com/msp # AdminPrincipal: Role.ADMIN - &Org1 Name: Org1MSP ID: Org1MSP MSPDir: crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org1.example.com/msp # AdminPrincipal: Role.ADMIN AnchorPeers: - Host: blockchain-org1peer1 Port: 7110 - Host: blockchain-org1peer2 Port: 7120 - &Org2 Name: Org2MSP ID: Org2MSP MSPDir: crypto-config/peerOrganizations/org2.example.com/msp # AdminPrincipal: Role.ADMIN AnchorPeers: - Host: blockchain-org2peer1 Port: 7210 - Host: blockchain-org2peer2 Port: 7220 Orderer: &OrdererDefaults OrdererType: kafka Addresses: - blockchain-orderer1:7050 - blockchain-orderer2:7050 - blockchain-orderer3:7050 BatchTimeout: 2s BatchSize: MaxMessageCount: 10 AbsoluteMaxBytes: 99 MB PreferredMaxBytes: 512 KB Kafka: Brokers: - kafka-0.broker.default:9092 - kafka-1.broker.default:9092 - kafka-2.broker.default:9092 - kafka-3.broker.default:9092 Organizations: Policies: Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Readers" Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Writers" Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "MAJORITY Admins" # BlockValidation specifies what signatures must be included in the block # from the orderer for the peer to validate it. BlockValidation: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Writers" Application: &ApplicationDefaults Organizations: Policies: Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Readers" Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Writers" Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "MAJORITY Admins" Capabilities: Channel: &ChannelCapabilities V1_4_1: true V1_3: false V1_1: false Orderer: &OrdererCapabilities V1_4_1: true V1_1: false Application: &ApplicationCapabilities V1_4_1: true V1_3: false V1_2: false V1_1: false Channel: &ChannelDefaults Policies: Readers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Readers" Writers: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "ANY Writers" Admins: Type: ImplicitMeta Rule: "MAJORITY Admins" Capabilities: <<: *ChannelCapabilities Profiles: MultiOrgsOrdererGenesis: <<: *ChannelDefaults Orderer: <<: *OrdererDefaults Capabilities: <<: *OrdererCapabilities OrdererType: kafka Kafka: Brokers: - kafka-0.broker.default:9092 - kafka-1.broker.default:9092 - kafka-2.broker.default:9092 - kafka-3.broker.default:9092 Organizations: - *OrdererOrg Application: <<: *ApplicationDefaults Organizations: - <<: *OrdererOrg Consortiums: CoopConsortium: Organizations: - *Org1 - *Org2 CoopChannel: Consortium: CoopConsortium <<: *ChannelDefaults Application: <<: *ApplicationDefaults Organizations: - *Org1 - *Org2 Capabilities: <<: *ApplicationCapabilities